5 games that famous before mobile legends appeared

5 games that were famous before the Mobile Legends game appeared

Hello friends, back again with always updates the latest posts. On this occasion, the admin will discuss 5 famous games before Mobile Legends. Surely my friend is already familiar with Mobile Legends, in fact, almost all circles play this game.

What are the games that you often play now? The answer must be 'Mobile Legends'! This contemporary game is really addictive (addictive), even now it is successfully played by almost all groups.

Before the booming 'Mobile Legends' game, it turned out that there were a number of games that had gone viral in the world. What games were popular before 'Mobile Legends'? Check out the following article, yes!

1. Pokemon Go

5 games that were famous before the mobile legends game appeared

The first game is 'Pokemon Go'. The game, which was quite excited at the time of its debut, began to be slowly abandoned by its users, currently there are only about 5 million active users. The reduction is very drastic because it was originally used by around 50 million users. Well, what caused this game to be abandoned, huh?

2. Clash of Clans

Clash of Clans

Next up is 'Clash of Clans'. This game, which carries the theme of war between clans or troops, was excited in 2016, played by devising a strategy to bring down enemy fortifications. However, 'Clash of Clans' is now starting to fade and fans are starting to abandon it since the arrival of 'Mobile Legends'.

3. Clash Royale

Clash of Clans

Hoping to follow the success of 'Clash of Clans', Supercell developer presents a new game titled 'Clash Royale'. Unfortunately, their hopes must be buried because this game is suffering the same fate as 'Pokemon Go' which was splashy just in the early days of its release. Reportedly, this failure was due to 'Clash Royale' having a boring and less challenging plot that fans left behind.

4. Angry Birds

Clash of Clans

Who doesn't know 'Angry Birds'? This one game has been phenomenal, telling of angry birds who try to beat a group of egg-stealing pigs through a relatively easy way of playing. In its heyday, this game made by Rovio was once used by more than 1 million smartphone users around the world, now it's starting to be abandoned because there are many games that are much more exciting and interesting!

5. Flappy Bird

Flappy Bird

The last game is 'Flappy Bird'. Similar to 'Angry Bird', this game has a bird theme but is very difficult to play. Even though it was very viral at the beginning of its release, 'Flappy Bird' didn't last long. Users of this game are abandoned because it has a super complicated way of working.

Those are the 5 games that were famous before Mobile Legends. Of the 5 games above, which game did you play first? Write your answer in the comments column, bro.

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