Each woman has a different form of the uterus. But in fact, it's not only that, but the shape of the vagina also varies Ma!
Yes, the shape of the female sex organs is not always the same. But even so, there is no ideal vaginal shape, aka the most correct one, Ma.
As long as it is in clean, well-groomed, and healthy conditions, whatever form it is, it will not affect its main function as a reproductive organ.
So, what are the forms of the vagina?
The following is a summary of the information for Mama, as reported on the page of The Sun:
1. Ms. Barbie
The Sun/Kylah Benes-Trapp
The shape of the vagina as Ms. Barbie is the rarest form. It is called by this name because it is considered attractive and looks like a vagina on a Barbie doll.
In this vaginal form, the labia minora are tightly hidden inside the labia majora. Therefore, from outside the labia, minora will not be visible at all and only looks like the letter V.
Although it is often said to be the ideal vaginal shape, in fact, not many women have a vaginal shape like this.
2. Ms. Puffs
The Sun/Kylah Benes-Trapp
Ms. vaginal shape. Puffs look like Ms. Barbie, it's just that the labia majora are longer. Therefore, the shape looks loose and covers the labia minora.
Don't worry, Ma. This kind of vaginal form does not occur because of problems with your reproductive organs, really.
The existence of extension of the labia majora is usually caused by factors of age and body weight. In addition, excessive stress factors also influence.
3. Ms. Curtains
The Sun/Kylah Benes-Trapp
This is the vaginal form most women have. Unlike the shape of Ms. Barbie and Ms. Puffs whose labia minor are not visible, in the shape of Ms. Curtains, the labia minora will be visible a little from the outside.
Yes, in this form the labia minor appears longer so that they appear behind the labia majora.
In some women with Ms. Curtains, often between the labia majora and the labia minor are asymmetrical.
4. Ms. Horseshoe
The Sun/Kylah Benes-Trapp
Similar to its meaning, namely horseshoe, the shape of Ms. The horseshoe has a shape where the labia minor are slightly visible but are covered with the long labia majora.
The lateral extension of the labia majora that covers this from the outside will look like a horseshoe at first glance, Ma.
Mr. vaginal shape. Horseshoe is similar to Ms. Curtains, it's just that the labia majora is slightly longer.
5. Ms. Tulip
The Sun/Kylah Benes-Trapp
Like a tulip in bloom, the shape of Ms. Tulip has a shape in which the labia minor appears outside the labia majora.
The difference with Ms. Curtains, on the inside of the labia minora, the vaginal shape of Ms. Tulips is generally more closed and less protruding.
Labia majora on Ms. Tulips are also neatly closed with a long, symmetrical shape. While on Ms. Curtains, the labia majora are thinner and shorter.
Even though they have different vaginal shapes, there is no significant difference in how to care for these intimate organs, Ma.
In order to maintain vaginal health, there are several ways you can do it, regardless of what it looks like. One of them is by avoiding using soap with fragrances and excessive chemicals because it can trigger irritation.
In addition, during menstruation, make sure that you change your sanitary napkins regularly and don't make them damp so you can avoid infection and irritation. Also, make sure that you use cotton underwear which allows the air to circulate more smoothly.
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